Ep. 10 - From Heartbreak to Healing: Processing Grief with Betty & Kyle Mertens

In the second segment of our miniseries about Grief, Erin and Kelly introduce us to Betty and Kyle Mertens, who lost their daughter Ella just before her first birthday.  Since then, Betty and Kyle have gone on to author “Unraveled: When Loss Changes Everything” and “Never Far Apart” and have founded the non-profit Ella’s Umbrella.  Please consider donating to Ella’s Umbrella using the link below.

Please check out the following links and donate to Ella’s Umbrella if you can:

This episode was first released on September 28, 2023.

  • Did you hear something interesting during the episode? Want to know more? We post links to the show notes or blog whenever possible, but Kelley and Erin reference LOTS of books and articles during almost every episode. If you want more information about anything said during an episode, simply reach out! We’d love to hear from you!

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  • The (A)Theist Podcast team is responsible for the contents of this episode. All rights reserved. Any published material presented or discussed in the episode are the works of their respective authors and attributed as such.


Ep. 11 - Debriefing Grief: Finding Awe in Healing


Ep. 9 - Understanding Grief: Does Everything Happen for a Reason?