The “Why”

Putting GOOD into a fragmented world.

Can two people with who disagree on one of the most fundamental questions - the existence of God - get along? YES!

Kelley and Erin have spent years enjoying a friendship that delves into social psychology, cultural trends, meaning, fulfillment, and so much more. Seeking a desire to put positive dialogue into the world, we invite you to join in our discussions! You’ll leave each episode having learned something new, spent some time in thought, and most likely laughing!

Whether you’re a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, the (A)Theist Podcast offers thoughtful, engaging discussions that challenge and inspire!

Kelley Weber

Kelley Weber is a mom, theatre artist, spiritual director and 2022 graduate of The Living School at the Center of Action and Contemplation in New Mexico. Currently she is a student at the MA program in Theopoetics and Writing at Bethany Seminary and Earlham School of Religion. She is also part of the first cohort training in the Somatic Enneagram, a combination of somatic experiencing and the wisdom of the Enneagram, with Marion Gilbert.

You can read more of Kelley’s work and learn about her spiritual direction practice at and read her writing on her Substack.

Erin Sucher-O’Grady

Erin is a strategist, consultant, writer, and optimist with degrees in journalism, strategic communication, and American culture. She is currently pursuing an MA in organizational psychology at Harvard and is a senior strategist at the web development consulting firm IntegrityXD in St. Louis.

If you want to learn more about Erin, you can follow her writing at Missives from a Luddite on Substack or visit her website!

What People Are Saying

Thoughtful, respectful ear candy! I’ve been searching for ways to understand how religion is creeping into the forefront of current politics and social issues. This podcast reminds me that I can learn more, gain deeper understanding by listening rather than speaking.
— Online Review
(A)Theist was a much needed wake-up call that invited me to re-connect. An invite to escape the isolating, eco-chamber of social media and open yourself up to deepening understandings of others as well as myself. Erin and Kelley remind us that conversation is a must in order to learn. I feel conversation has gone by the wayside; we talk but don’t listen. This dynamic duo’s wit, passion, and vast amounts of knowledge had me push the follow button after the first episode.
— Online Review
In a time when even national ‘leaders’ rant mostly to their mirrors into microphones, here are two thoughtful people gladly working out ideas and experiences about which they know they won’t agree.
— Online Review
Profound, moving, and thought provoking are just a few of [the] things I experience while listening [to] (A)Theist. If you are interesting in building bridges with people who think differently than you, thinking critically about the world around you, or even knowing more about yourself and your place in the world, you have come to the right place. (A)Theist is brilliantly researched while still accessible and thought provoking. I have been moved to laughter, tears, and everything in between. I highly recommend checking it out.
— Online Review
It’s hard to find a conversation these days that doesn’t succumb to black-or-white, either-or thinking. That’s as true in the spirituality podcast space as it is everywhere else. I know because I listen to a lot of spirituality podcasts. Like, A LOT. That’s why I was happy to find (A)theist. This conversation among friends who occupy very different parts of the spiritual spectrum occupied the grey areas of life [in] ways I think most of us can relate to. Plus, it’s just fun to listen to. I especially recommend the Belden Lane interview, which, so far, has been a highlight.
— Online Review
Smart, funny and so easy to listen to. I feel like I’m part of the conversation. Keep going!
— Online Review

(A)Theist has a 5.0 Rating on BOTH Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Contact us!

We want to hear from our listeners! Thoughts, questions, topic suggestions? Email us at
And yes, we will respond!

Of, if it’s easier, just use the our contact form!

About Social Media

You’ll notice (A)Theist has a “lackluster” Social Media presence.

This is intentional.

While we love the idea of connections and really admire the way social media platforms have allowed people from all over the world to connect with ideas, movements, and each other, we are also intimately aware of the dangers.

Kelley, Erin, and their producer Justin have all worked with young people and have seen first hand the destructive power of altered images, unfiltered content, algorithms that support echo chambers, technology addition, and misinformation. You’ll hear this mentioned time and time again in various episodes.

As such, (A)Theist doesn’t have a massive social media presence.
What we DO post on
Instagram, Threads, and Facebook is for promotional purposes — as Kelley says: “They have made us NEED it” — and our audience is encouraged to comment, like, follow, tag, share, etc. Honestly, it does help us out and brings more people to the audience. That’s a good thing.

BUT, if you want to have a deeper conversation about something that resonated with you, touched you, made you think, or even angered you, PLEASE email us!
We’d love to have these conversations WITH YOU in real time rather than in the asynchronous, asymmetric, algorithm-driven world of social media.

We’ll even have you as a guest on the show if you want!
We’re always seeking meaningful connections, and nothing is more powerful than a small group of well-intentioned people coming together to have engaging conversations!