Ep. 44 - Larry Jordan: “The Way”

When was the last time you did something for a complete stranger that was purely for the betterment of their lives? Our guest this episode is Larry Jordan, who spent 25 years as an investment banker before he started to ask himself the same question.  In 2011, he quit his job and began a spiritual journey in which he has served others all over the world. In the process, his whole life and personality have been completely transformed.

Larry identifies himself as a follower of Jesus with a Zen practice. He eagerly engages in diverse faiths and belief systems, even finding deep meaning behind the hard sciences and quantum entanglement. His greatest discovery: “Everyone is related, and everything is connected.”

Larry recently published The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World.

Erin and Kelley both loved reading this book: It’s brilliantly written by a person who clearly invested time, energy, thought, and reflection into studying world religions and science.

You will LOVE this interview! Afterwards, check out Larry via the links on this page!

This episode was first released on January 27, 2025

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Ep. 45 - Wendy Solganik


Ep. 43 - Faith Deconstruction with Liz Charlotte Grant