Ep. 34 - Contemplative Practice through Centering Prayer

What connections are drawn between Alcoholics Anonymous (Episode 31), Open & Relational Theology (Episode 32), and Mimetic Theory (Episode 33)? Believe it or not, quite a bit!

Meet Rich and Jim - two individuals who met decades ago through 12 Step work in Alcoholics Anonymous. These gentlemen have focused heavily on using contemplative practice to work through the 11th Step of AA. Commonly thought of as meditation, this practice offers a way of “centering” one’s thoughts and emotions on a regular basis. When applied in a religious context, this is frequently known as centering prayer to allow God to enter. In other words, consenting to God’s love. Others - like Erin - take it from a more atheistic approach as a restorative personal practice, sometimes thought of as an inward journey.

Atheist, theist, or somewhere in between, contemplative practice has brought tremendous growth and comfort to thousands of individuals!

This episode was first released on August 26, 2024

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Ep. 35 - Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday


Ep. 33 - Mimetic Theory with Dr. Jonathan Foster