Ep. 30 - What’s the Enneagram?

You hear Kelley talk about the “7’s” all the time on the show. What does that mean?  To celebrate ONE YEAR of (A)Theist episodes, Erin and Kelley put together this explainer on the ENNEAGRAM.

What is the enneagram? It’s a system of personality archetypes that when explored give insights into our own fixated patterns and a pathway towards softening and growth. Kelley walks us through and gives us a toe dip into this fascinating system.

This episode was first released on July 1, 2024

We’ve included a few large photos below so you can follow along as Kelley walks through each of the Enneagram types!

  • Did you hear something interesting during the episode? Want to know more? We post links to the show notes or blog whenever possible, but Kelley and Erin reference LOTS of books and articles during almost every episode. If you want more information about anything said during an episode, simply reach out! We’d love to hear from you!

  • Transcripts of this episode are available upon request. Please visit the Contact Us section of our site to learn more.

  • The (A)Theist Podcast team is responsible for the contents of this episode. All rights reserved. Any published material presented or discussed in the episode are the works of their respective authors and attributed as such.


Ep. 31 - 12 Steps: How Alcoholics Anonymous Became the “Greatest Spiritual Heist of the 20th Century”


Ep. 29 - “The Anxious Generation”