Ep. 25 - How to Know a Person Part 2

In the final part of the “How to Know a Person” series, Erin & Kelley (and their producer Justin) play a game designed to build powerful relationships.  Note that these three people have been close friends for well over a decade, but you’ll STILL hear them learning more about each other and strengthening their friendship!

The game is called “Where Should We Begin: A Game of Stories” by Esther Perel.  Check it out here: https://game.estherperel.com/.

At one point in the episode, Justin mentions a NYTimes editorial called “The 36 Questions that Lead to Love” which you can find here: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/09/style/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html.  Don’t have a subscription? You can find the same questions here.

This episode was first released on April 22 2024

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Ep. 26 - Witches Part 1 - Lauren Sucher-O’Grady, MD


Ep. 24 - How to Know a Person Part 1